They complained rough handling by the police. 他们抱怨受到警察粗野的对待。
The packing must be able to withstand rough handling. 包装必须经得起野蛮搬运。
That could have happened in the course of transit or unloading, due to rough handling. 那可能是搬运或者卸货过程中由于没有轻拿轻放造成的。
Your packing must be seaworthy and can stand rough handling during transit. 你们的包装必须具有适航性,并能经得起运输中的野蛮搬运。
This suitcase has had some rough handling, IE has been badly treated. 这个手提箱用得很不在意。
But you should make sure the cartons should be strong enough to stand rough handling. 但是你该确保箱子要结实,足以承受粗鲁的装卸。
The vase remained intact despite rough handling. 尽管搬运粗暴,这个花瓶仍旧完好无损。
The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling under normal conditions. 包装必须很坚固,可经得起一般情况下的震动和野蛮装卸。
Making objects to be inserted rugged and able to take rough handling. 将要插入的物件处理得凹凸不平,能够进行初步处理。
Is often broken by rough handling. 玻璃常因草率的处理而破裂。
I want to complain in the strongest terms about the rough handling. 我要用最强烈的措词来抗议这种粗糙的搬运方式。
Do you think Mr. Green can claim with the insurance company for the loss through rough handling in transit? 您认为格林先生可以就运输中粗暴装卸而造成的损失向保险公司索赔吗?
Our packing is strong enough t withstand bumping and rough handling under normal conditions. 我们的包装非常牢固,在正常情况下,完全经得起碰撞和野蛮装卸。
The shipping company should be liable for their rough handling. 船运公司应该对他们的野蛮装卸负责。
When packing, please take into account that the boxes are likely to receive rough handling. 在包装时,请考虑到箱子可能要经受野蛮的装卸。
The damage was caused by rough handling when the goods were being loaded on board ship at the dock. 货物是在码头搬动装船时操作不慎造成损坏的。
The wooden boxes are strong enough to stand rough handling at the ports. 木箱很结实,足于承受得住港口的野蛮装卸。
It is obviously that the damage to the captioned goods result from rough handling. 显而易见,标题项下货物的破损是由野蛮装运所致。
That could have happened in transit due to rough handling. 在运输途中发生了变质问题。
Can it be possible that the damage be cause by rough handling? 货损有没有可能是因粗暴装卸而引起的呢?
The accident was caused by rough handling at the port. 事故是由于在港口野蛮装卸造成的。
Analysis on Reliability of Handling System of Specialized Bulk Cargo Terminal from dampness and possible damage through rough handling. 专业化散货码头装卸系统可靠性分析装货物受潮及因野蛮装卸可能引起的损坏。
From dampness and possible damage through rough handling. 装货物受潮及因野蛮装卸可能引起的损坏。
Chief Mate: I think that should attribute to the rough handling of stevedoring company. 大副:我认为这应归咎于装卸公司的野蛮装卸。
The survey has revealed that the damage to the goods is attributable to rough handling. 商检表明货物的受损是由于野蛮装卸所引起的。
The steamship company shall be responsible for the damage of goods caused by rough handling. 船公司应对因粗暴装卸而造成的货物损坏承担责任。
The contract stipulates that the packing should be strong enough to withstand rough handling. 合同规定,包装必须牢固,足以承受粗暴装卸。
So if your child breaks a beloved toy through rough handling, help her fix it and encourage her to think about what she might do differently next time. 所以,如果你的孩子因为粗鲁的操作弄坏了一个心爱的玩具,帮助她去修理这个玩具,并且鼓励她去思考,下一次用不同的方法去操作。
We had thought the damage may be caused by the rough handling of the shipping company. 我们原以为受损可能是因船公司的野蛮装卸造成的。
Ductile iron body able to withstand rough handling. 球墨铸铁阀体能够经受恶劣的操作环境。